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All the stories

Testimonies _

Dear people, you will witness how these people found Jesus.

These are true statements that have great power in sch.

They should us both with joy,  and equally fill them with humility. Joy for the new brothers and sisters, and humility in knowing that we are all equal under God. No matter who has experienced and/or achieved what.

Ex-Satanist Shares His Story (John May)

Ex-Muslim: Why I left Islam and became a Christian?



Amazing Testimonies

Chris Pratt

All thanks are due to God.

Alice Cooper

Yes you read correctly.

Alice Cooper  found the truth.

With God  everything is possible.

Brian "Head" Welch

The guitarist of the rock band Korn is now also a believer!!


Shean "Heartbreak Kid" Michaels

World Wrestling Superstar finds Jesus.

An incredible story.

Ex Satan Worshiper John Ramirez Testimony

John Ramirez was ranked the third highest devil worshiper in New York. He received his orders directly from Satan himself. But what was strong enough to save John? Who had enough light to shine into his darkness? There's only one answer!

Dr. _ Sy garden


Is a former biochemist.

He was an atheist for most of his life.

Here he tells us how he went from scientist to believer.

T his film brought tears to our team! Raised in Sudan in the most radical sects of Islam, he was brought up to hate Christians and especially the Jews.

J im Caviezel

The main character of Passion of the Christ. Played Jesus and now bears his incredible testimony.

​ This Jewish man confesses Jesus and explains why like you've never heard!

  • For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates until it separates soul and spirit, even marrow and bone, and is a judge of the thoughts and senses of the heart. Heb 4:12

    Hebrews 4:12

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