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T he end time

W e are definitely in the end times, and there are many brothers and sisters who sincerely believe in the Lord and wait for His return, the need to think about this question certainly: In Chapter 22, verse 12 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesied: “See, I'm coming soon.” The Lord promised us that He would return in the last days, so has He returned now? This question is really so important to us Christians, so how are we supposed to know exactly whether the Lord has really returned or not? In fact, the Lord Jesus already told us through Bible prophecy, and as long as we put all the facts together and weigh them seriously, we will find the answer.

Some of the issues have already occurred, others will be.

1. The occurrence of war, famine and earthquakes

2. The restoration of Israel

3. The gospel will be preached in every corner of the world

4. Injustice will prevail and the love of believers will grow cold

5. The appearance of false Christs and false prophets

6. A new world order

7th time of the devil in the form of an implanted bio-chip  

8. Cashless society

9. One world currency

10. A world religion

11. The third time the temple is built in Israel

12. Epidemics

13. Food industry will run through an organization

14. Water will no longer be a good good

15. A world police force

16. Jews will recognize Jesus as the Messiah


I encourage everyone to read the Revelation of John through.  

  • For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates until it separates soul and spirit, even marrow and bone, and is a judge of the thoughts and senses of the heart. Heb 4:12

    Hebrews 4:12

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