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S ex before marriage

If you had sex with a person before marriage, you are obliged to marry him

The Bible says several times that if you had sex with a person before marriage, you are married to each other and thus bound to them for life.

That is why man will forsake his father and mother and cling to his wife to become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

If a man persuades a virgin who is still not engaged and lies with her, he should take her as his wife by paying the purchase price. (Exodus 22:16)

If someone comes across a virgin who is not yet betrothed and takes her and lies with her, and she is caught, the man who was lying with the daughter should give her father fifty shekels and he should have her for his wife, because he weakened her; he cannot disregard it for his entire life. (Deuteronomy 22: 28-29)

T he sex, two people become one flesh

God only intended sex for two people who should then no longer separate. By having sex before marriage, one enters into marriage. Because in this way two people become one flesh, which according to the Bible we should not separate.

And a great crowd followed him, and there he healed them. So the Pharisees came up to him and tried him, saying, Is it lawful to dismiss a woman for any reason? But he answered and said to them, Have you not read that He created them [men] in the beginning male and female, saying: “Therefore a man will forsake his father and mother and cling to his wife; and the two will be one flesh "? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What God has joined together, man should not divide. (Matthew 19: 2-6)

S ex with multiple people is dishonorable

It is also interesting that God commanded priests to marry virginal, undecorated women who have not yet had sex.

He is to take a virgin to wife. He shall not take a widow, or an outcast, or a dishonored, or a whore; but he shall take a virgin from among his people as his wife, lest he profane his seed among his people. For I, the Lord, sanctify him. (Leviticus 21: 13-15)

This passage alone shows that God describes women who have had sex with several men as "dishonored". However, that does not mean that one cannot become honorable. Because someone who has had sex with different people several times in his past can receive forgiveness for this through the New Covenant that was made through Jesus. In fact, it is written that God will never remember the sins of such a person. Of course, this also includes leaving sin behind and not committing it again.

But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law in their hearts
and write it in their minds, and will be their God, and they shall be my people; and no one will teach his neighbor or his brother any more and say: "Know the Lord!" because they should all know me,
from the smallest to the greatest, says the Lord; for I will forgive them of their wrongdoing and will no longer remember their sin! (Jeremiah 31: 33-34)

Jesus said to her, I do not judge you in this way either. Go and sin no more! (John 8:11)

S ex with more than one person is fornication

What the Bible clearly states is that fornication or sexual immorality is a sin and should be avoided in any case. Here is one of many examples:

Flee the fornication! Every sin that a man [otherwise] commits is outside of the body; but the fornicator sins against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6:18)

But the true definition of fornication does not seem to be known to many people. Because fornication has already been committed when one has sex with more than one person. This means that if you have sex with a person, then leave them and then at some point later sleep with someone else or carry out other sexual acts such as petting, you are committing fornication and adultery. It would also not be advisable to sleep in a bed before marriage. Because the Bible says that by having sex before marriage, one has already made the covenant of marriage. Thus extramarital intercourse is not biblical. In the following Bible passage in Malachi 2, this fact can be seen well, since God becomes unfaithful after having sex for the first time, as  divorce  designated!

Because the Lord was a witness between you and the woman of your youth,
to whom you have now become unfaithful,
although she is your companion and the wife of your covenant!
And did he not make her one and kindred with him?
And what should one strive for?
For divine seed!
So be careful in your mind,
and no one should be unfaithful to the woman of his youth!
'Cause I hate divorce
says the Lord, the God of Israel,
and that one covers one's dress with iniquity,
says the Lord of hosts;
therefore beware in your spirit
and do not be faithless!

(Malachi 2: 14-16)

I n the Bible there are no relationships or dating

In the Bible there are no terms such as “relationships” or dating outside of marriage. These are all man-made practices that have nothing to do with the Bible. God never intended you to have multiple “partners” in your life. A man and a woman should make an everlasting covenant together before God and be faithful to one another. This also applies to petting before marriage.

And the Lord God built a woman out of the rib which he had taken from the man, and brought her to him. Then said the man: This is the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh! She should be called man; because it is taken from the man! That is why man will forsake his father and mother and cling to his wife to become one flesh. (Leviticus 21: 13-15)

S chlusswort - According to the Bible, there is no sex before marriage

The answer to the question of whether pre-marriage sex is Bible controversial is unequivocal. There is no such thing as sex before marriage. Because sex before marriage leads to the fact that one is married to one another, since one has already made the covenant through the sexual act. However, once you have made this covenant, you shouldn't break it or even make it again with another person, otherwise you would live in sexual immorality.

But it is not I but the Lord who command the married, that a woman not part with a man; but if she were already divorced, she would remain unmarried or be reconciled with the man. But the man should not cast the woman away. (1 Corinthians 7: 10-11)

It is also said: "Whoever divorces his wife, give her a letter of divorce." But I tell you: Anyone who divorces his wife, except because of fornication, causes her to commit adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits marriage. (Matthew 5: 31-32)

  • For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates until it separates soul and spirit, even marrow and bone, and is a judge of the thoughts and senses of the heart. Heb 4:12

    Hebrews 4:12

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