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I have picked out a few links here where you can order your Bible.

Whether you want to study the whole Bible or just want to start reading the New Testament, you will find the appropriate link here.

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Bible links

Highly recommended! A book package for Bible beginners. Schlachter2000 version

Entire Bible sponsored by the Evangeliums Christen Baptisten Gemeinde Düren eV

Free New Testament from the CH online shop

Version: hope for everyone

New Testament and Psalms

Small pocket size. Elber fields version

New Testament Recovering Translation

Bibles for cell phones and tablets

Youverse Bible App

Old and New Testament for IPhone, Android and tablets. Available in over 60 languages. Already over 478 million downloads.

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W hy is reading the Bible important?

  • The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the value of extensive knowledge of the Bible (e.g. for parents in Deuteronomy 6: 6.7; for those responsible in Deuteronomy 17:18, 19; Tit 1: 9; for people who want to achieve something, Jos 1: 8; Ps 1, etc.)

  • More than any psychotherapist, the word of God leads a life of its own (Isa. 55:10, 11), is alive, effective (Heb. 4:12, 13) and wants to change us (1Pet 1:23).

  • Ps 19: 8-11 results in the following promises: Dealing with God's word is good for my soul, enables me to make wise life decisions, gives me orientation for a life full of joie de vivre and gives me spiritual insight.

  • Jesus dealt with God's word in a relaxed and sovereign manner (temptation: Lk 4, 8, 12; sermon, Lk 4, 18; issues: Lk 6, 3; 11: 30-32 ...; evangelism: Lk 18, 20; pastoral care: Lk 24,27,44-47). We find this familiarity with the apostles (e.g. Peter's sermon at Pentecost). With 2 Timothy 2:24, the ability to teach is not the privilege of selected or gifted individuals, but a sign of spiritual maturity.

  • In the OT the word of God should be read out regularly (Deut 31: 9-13) so that the people could learn the commandments.

  • What are the benefits of reading the Bible regularly?

    1. Regular Bible reading practices reading.

    2. Regular Bible reading reveals the red thread that runs through the Bible.

    3. Regular Bible reading protects against theological one-sidedness.

    4. Regular Bible reading helps to get a feel for the ancient languages (in their translation).

    5. Regular Bible reading gives you important detailed knowledge.

    6. Regular Bible reading makes me one who knows the Bible.

    7. Regular Bible reading leads to deeper Bible study.

  • For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates until it separates soul and spirit, even marrow and bone, and is a judge of the thoughts and senses of the heart. Heb 4:12

    Hebrews 4:12

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